Tuesday, February 06, 2007

8 Months LID Anniversary!

Well 8 months has passed since we were logged into the China system at CCAA. Although this is progress, it's slow progress. When we started we kinda thought we would be home with bub by now, but are now not sure whether we are 1/2 way there, 1/3 way there or 3/4 way there! As per the previous post - allocations have just been made to families with LID's up to October 13, 2005. That means there is still 8 months worth of LIDs before us.

I am hoping that when CCAA hits the 2006 LIDs things will speed up a little. There seems to have been a big hump toward the end of 2005 with some really big LID days... but I think that some of the earlier 2006 dates are much smaller.

Of course the good news in all of this is we need a bit of time to build our house (although if DoCS phoned today and said get on a plane to China - I wouldn't even bother packing)! So the house-building finally seems to be making some progress. We have plans a couple of weeks away from being approved by Council, and we have a builder! Now we just need to arrange electricity to the house site and within the month (fingers crossed) we should see the first soil turned. We have cleared the house site in preparation so here is a preview...

Oh yeah and we are off to Thailand for some R&R (leaving on the 12th Feb) for a couple of weeks. And we can't wait!



Blogger D said...

Happy 8th LIDaversary!
Have fun in Thailand...that sounds cool!

12:17 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

Your land looks great. We are hoping to have a building project some time this year.

Looking forward very much to hearing about your trip to Thailand! How fun! Shop hard, relax lots and enjoy your time away!

7:10 AM  

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