Monday, January 17, 2005

Five years ago today...

Hello baby girl,

Daddy and I thought it would be nice to share this day with you. Today we have been married for five years. Five wonderful years (with a couple of heartbreaking years thrown in). Today is Monday, also the same day that we were married five years ago. Daddy and I had such a small private wedding that no-one even knew we were getting married, we went on holidays to the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia and were married on Putney Beach - a secluded island beach - with just the two of us, the marriage celebrant, two witnesses and a guy who drove the car, took the photos, did the video and brought champagne.

It was such an amazingly special day, so private and personal and just beautiful. Daddy and I didn't really want for a big wedding, we just wanted to be married to each other. So we were, feet in the water, sun setting, sounds of the ocean and a soft breeze blowing. It was like a beautiful scene you would only read about in a book.

Daddy and I talked a lot about you yesterday (which was also my birthday!). We had breakfast with Mumsie (Nan), Aunty Debbie and Uncle Gordon, and had a really lovely morning. Daddy bought me my first 'mummy' present, a baby bag that I will use to put all your things in like your nappies and your bottles and your toys. It's the nicest present I have ever had.

Well my precious girl, we are thinking of you today as we remember our wedding day five years ago, and hope next year the three of us (or five if you count Raf and Kenya - I haven't told you about these two cheeky monkeys yet) will celebrate together.

All my love Mummy xx

Friday, January 14, 2005

The Invisible Red Thread...

Time seems to be going so slowly, and I think it will only get worse as we get closer to meeting you. But Daddy and I are trying to keep busy, I am working hard at my new job, and Daddy and I have started moving things into our new house. I only have to travel 15 minutes to work now (which is a lot different from travelling 1 1/2 hours like I have been doing) and we live in a really pretty spot that has lots of country side and cows! The house is really pretty, and while your room is still empty at the moment, as things progress with our application to adopt you the room will fill up with all your things.

Daddy and I have been doing a lot of reading about China, and looking at the map to understand where different places are. We have bought you a great book with beautiful photographs of stunning sites and places to visit in China. It is probably something we will give you when you are older, but even now before we have even met you, we are thinking of how we can tell you about where you came from.

Aunty Debbie's baby is due soon and everyone is getting excited, this baby will be your first cousin, and my first niece or nephew (I think it is a niece!!). Aunty Debbie and I were talking the other day about when you come into our family that you will be very close in age to your cousin who will be 9 months at Christmas this year. We all can't wait to see you both playing together.

Daddy and I wonder whether you are born yet. This is interesting for us to think about and we really don't know if you are or not. But I found the Chinese Proverb of The Invisible Red Thread and I believe it is true...

"When a child is born, invisible red threads extend from the child's spirit and connect to all the significant people who will be part of the child's life. As the child grows the threads shorten, drawing closer those people who are destined to be together."
All my love,
Mummy xxx

Friday, January 07, 2005

Thinking of you...

Hello my precious girl.

It has been a few days since I last wrote to you, but you are never far away from my thoughts. It is now 2005, the year we hope to bring you home. Daddy and I have been busy over Christmas visiting family and we spent Christmas night with your Mumsie (Nanna) and Aunty Debbie and Uncle Gordon, and we talked a lot about you. We wondered where you are, and talked about what your life might be like before we meet you, and how excited we all are that you are coming to us... one day.

Daddy and I have just about completed all the forms to submit for your adoption, and we will have them in to DoCS next week. Then we wait.

You have become such a big part of any decisions we are making already. We are selling our much loved house and moving interstate so we won't have to commute to work any more and we will be able to spend more time with you, and so we can buy another house on a big block of land so you will have lots of room to play. We have found a house that we will rent while we are looking for our dream house, and have picked which room will be yours. We made sure that there is a bath so we can bath you, and that the garden is safe for you to play in.

You constantly enter our conversations, and we just can't wait until you are here. Lots of our friends are hearing about you now, and everyone is happy for us, and can't wait to meet you.

Wherever you are my angel... my heart is yours.

Mummy (Lisa)